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Somatic Integration

Simple Tools for Unwinding

  • 1 hour
  • From 20 New Zealand dollars
  • Directions Healing Centre -12 Horopito St, Mt Eden Auckland, New Zealan

Workshop Description

This slow-rolling practice uses the floor and gravity to gently unwind your body at a pace determined by your body to release held tension in your body. Exercises are slowed down to encourage deep listening, and from deep listening often comes deep release. As the fascial tension softens, breathing improves, as does blood supply, and nerve pathways become clearer, improving your coordination and mobility. This intern regulates your nervous system. This work draws from techniques like Feldenkrais, Body Mind Centring, and Craniosacral Therapy. If you are looking for tools to help unwind tension, sleep better, increase mobility, and feel more relaxed, Somatic Integration may help. Drawing from a mix of modalities including Pilates, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Dance, this work gently and supportively allows the body to open without strain or push.

Upcoming Sessions

24 hours notice is appreciated.

We appreciate 24hrs notice if you need to cancel.

Contact Details


Rear Unit of Two 2/237 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland, New Zealand

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